Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Too Busy, or Not Busy Enough??

Is it possible to feel as though you are too busy, but also not busy enough, at the same time?? This is what I am grappling with at the moment.

My soul craves stillness and silence - I want to retreat and hibernate, like a bear in a cave. To BE instead of DO! Perhaps it is the season's affect on me. But I am also feeling a hand in my back, encouraging me to do more! To experience more, achieve more, and share more!!

I strive to find the balance.

The Universe is showing me the way forward, creating opportunities for my personal growth, encouraging me to step into the fullness of who I am, and the life path that my soul has chosen. I feel this at a deep level and know that it is true.

I put a lot of pressure on myself to 'get it right', and I seem to feel an even greater sense of urgency now that I have reached 'a certain level of maturity' shall we say!

But time is just an illusion as we know.  I have to keep bringing my attention back to the here and now . . to this moment, the only moment that we really have! How am I feeling NOW? What do I need right NOW?? We must honour this. The turmoil arises when the mind runs away. The balance of course lies within.

When I tune back in to the heart, breathe deeply and listen . . I can access the wisdom of my eternal self. The part of me that knows it all, and will never lead me astray. All I have to do is connect my head with my heart, and my thoughts transform. They start to nurture my highest benefit and no longer cause me stress.

Time spent in contemplation, simply BEing, is never wasted. When we allow this, or indeed embrace it, the DOing side of life takes on more meaning and clarity, and flows with greater ease and grace.