Monday 27 June 2016

My Life, Your Life

                                            MY LIFE, your life. We are all in the same boat!

    Sometimes I feel very 'alone', as if I'm the only one going through whatever is happening in my life. I know in essence that this is never true, but it is a disturbing feeling of isolation - that it's not worth discussing with anyone else, because it's just ME!

    This raises two issues:

    Firstly, that it is always a good idea to discuss your worries and emotions with others. Did you know that all emotions we experience are universal, and any thought you ever have, has been thought by others as well?

    The sense of community when you know someone cares - when they are prepared to listen, or offer a shoulder to cry on, is uplifting and invaluable to our self worth. We can feel quite vulnerable when we reach out and show our true self to others, but it is always worthwhile, and we often find that they have felt this way too. They may not have solutions, but they understand what you are going through, and they do not judge you - even though you thought that they might see you as weak, or your issues trivial!

    Being able to voice your concerns, even write them down if you don't have someone to confide in, will remove that heavy energy that you have been carrying around inside you. 'Thinking out loud' can make you feel lighter and happier.


    Secondly, the most important relationship we have, is the one with ourselves. So if we are feeling lost, overwhelmed or stuck, we need to get out of our heads - quiet the mind and the ego thoughts, and connect with our true self, that resides in the heart, our wise old soul.

    To facilitate this, I like to be in nature or play soothing music, close my eyes, breathe deeply and feel the connection. Just allowing myself to BE. Letting go for a short while, of any busyness. No doing or trying, just stillness.

    Often insights will come forth. Answers to unspoken questions, that help me to move forward. Sometimes I sense colours, that I allow myself to absorb and enjoy. At times like this, I can feel like I am ONE with my soul - the inner me who does not judge, and loves unconditionally.

    And if I am lucky, I may also feel my team in spirit around me, supporting and guiding. Ancestors, angels and spirit guides - I have deep love and gratitude for them all.


    Today's message/mantra is this:

    Today I tune in to the flow of life. I surrender and allow myself to step into what is needed. I release any urge to  push or force, I let go of 'shoulds' and 'musts' and move forward with hope in my heart. I am patient with myself and trust that healing will occur on all levels.

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