Sunday, 6 December 2015
The Wellness Universe
Last year I was given an opportunity to join an amazing online community - a group that is innovative and caring and changing the world.
I had to step out of my comfort zone but I'm so glad that I did. I was inspired to learn new skills, creating original posters, and sharing my blogs.
Wellness Universe has connected me with hundreds of like hearted souls from all around the globe. I am blessed to be a part of it . . .

Sunday, 1 November 2015
HEAL YOUR GUT . . . and here's WHY!
In the 21st century, we are chronically sicker than ever before! Despite all of the education and research and modern treatment facilities . . . we don't seem to be winning!!
Modern metabolic diseases are on the rise, and they all have common links to nutrition and lifestyle choices. What on earth are we doing to ourselves? Have you ever noticed that wild animals do not die from human diseases? . . but our domesticated animals do!!
MENTAL ILLNESS is also becoming epidemic. Are there really any scientific tests to diagnose this? Is 'chemical imbalance' in the brain really a myth? Perhaps pharmaceuticals are just covering up symptoms - and what about their side effects!
Let's get back to basics, and give the body what it needs to heal the underlying cause. Of all the body systems, DIGESTION seems have the biggest influence on Mental Health. In fact, the connection between the gut and mental health is astonishing. The body uses up nutrients at a greater rate when we are under emotional STRESS, so topping up with minerals etc and learning how to best manage our stress is very helpful. If you have never made a link between nutrition and mental health before, this could be a focus to consider. Happy hormones and mood regulators are made in the gut. If your gut is populated with the wrong bacteria, you won't be able to make the 'feel good' chemicals.
The GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION is now backed up by studies, but the best understanding is of course gained through your experience. It is now evident that the connection is a two way street ie they influence one another! The nerve cells in the gut communicate with the brain - when they sense that all is well, the brain is signaled that there is no need for concern. But if there is anything amiss - like infection, inflammation or altered microbial population (dysbiosis) - the nerves signal the brain that there is trouble! This can result in pain, stress and other chronic Gastrointestinal issues like Irritable Bowel Syndrome or gastric reflux.
There is an inner ecosystem in the gastro-intestinal tract, called the MICROBIOME. It consists of a complex web of bacteria, yeast, enzymes, neuro-chemicals, gut lining and cells belonging to the immune system. It is crucial to maintain health and balance here. The integrity of the gut is vital, in order to absorb and utilize necessary nutrients.
Even with a good diet, we can have malnutrition if the digestive health is poor. Many of us are overfed and under nourished!
LEAKY GUT - occurs when there is a damaged gut lining, creating increased permeability of the intestinal wall. This allows macro-molecules and foreign bodies through to the bloodstream causing oxidative stress and an autoimmune response that creates chronic inflammation throughout the body, often leading to joint pains, thyroid problems etc.
Leaky gut is often implicated in an array of autoimmune and mental health issues. It starts in the small intestine but affects the whole body.
How do you know if you have Leaky Gut? The first clue is - food intolerances. Another would be vitamin or mineral deficiencies - such as Magnesium, Iron or B12. These appear to be so common now! Later consequences can be Thyroid dysfunction, Rheumatoid Arthritis and other Autoimmune diseases like Fibromyalgia.
So what do we do? We need to eat REAL FOOD, not the vast array of highly processed commercial materials in our supermarkets, that are actually fake food. Drink clean water, hydrating with at least 30mls/kg body weight per day. Ideally spring water, and certainly fluoride and chlorine free (as these can contribute to thyroid issues)
Use whole SALT - pink Himalayan rock salt is my favorite, delicious and nutritious.
Remove processed SUGAR (and flour) from your diet, as it creates an insulin roller coaster. Keep your blood sugars more stable with clean eating and whole foods (single ingredient), and you will also notice more emotional stability ie less pronounced mood swings. Sugar suppresses the immune system and it feeds yeast - and yeast overgrowth attacks the gut wall.
Modern WHEAT is very high in gluten, which is known to damage the integrity of the bowel. There is no nutrition in gluten and you may feel a great deal better without it. Bread today is very high in gluten which not only contributes to Leaky Gut but is known to destroy the myelin sheath (the protective coating on nerves). This showed up on my own MRI brain scan ie scarring in my brain! It's also interesting that when I stopped eating bread, my heart palpitations ceased. Gluten is also GMO and highly addictive and contributing to obesity. Why not research options within gluten free grains, and find some that you enjoy.
My advice is - EAT to keep the body alkaline, hormones balanced, and reduce systemic inflammation which underpins all chronic disease. Inflammatory foods to be aware of are - sugars, artificial sweeteners, cooking oils, trans fats, dairy products, pork and processed meats, alcohol, all wheat and gluten grains, and artificial food additives.
If you are consuming DAIRY products help your bones, consider that the UK, USA and Australia consume more dairy than anywhere else in the world, and yet these countries have the highest rates of Osteoporosis! Unfortunately dairy products of today are often highly processed and difficult to digest, and are likely to contain antibiotics which we know are damaging to the digestive tract. Many people are also lactose and cassein intolerant.
Food is information for the body, so treat it with respect. Choose organic where possible, as chemicals kill off beneficial microbes.
Some beneficial foods are - Bone Broth, a perfect food full of amino acids.
Coconut Oil, Sauerkraut (sulphur rich) and other fermented foods and kefirs.
Blueberries,green tea and other foods high in antioxidants.
Brightly colored vegetables.
Other factors to consider are
- SUPPLEMENTS: Probiotic - Bacterial dysbiosis is problematic and there is now overwhelming evidence that we need to promote the growth of helpful over harmful bugs. Choose a quality supplement of practitioner strength. This will offer protection for the gut lining, improve digestion, and boost the production of the B vitamins.
Minerals - The human body cannot manufacture minerals, yet we need them in order the make the vitamins and enzymes we require. There are now insufficient minerals in even the freshest of foods, due to over farmed and depleted soils, and fruit and vegetables being harvested before ripening, or stored for long periods of time.
Digestive Enzymes - may be a helpful supplement at certain times, like when a heavy meal has been consumed. One that you know is not ideal, like meat and starches together. They give your gut a rest by helping to break down the food, gluten and other compounds.
Colostrum - when Leaky Gut exists, I have found that colostrum works synergistically with the probiotic, to effectively heal and seal the gut wall. This works toward a long term solution, not just reducing symptoms.
- EXERCISE: move the body to release hormones and remove waste. The lymph system has no pump of it's own. Keep it simple and do what you enjoy, so that it's not a chore.
- Chemical DETOX: it takes less than 30 seconds for chemicals to get into the bloodstream and have an adverse effect on the gut and other major organs. Be especially vigilant about toothpaste, mouthwash and shampoos etc that are absorbed near the brain. Insect repelant and fly sprays are likely to contain DEET which is a neurotoxin. I even know of one baby who developed seizures when her mum was using these products above the cot - she thought she was protecting her baby from mosquitoes, but the consequence was dire! Recovery was full on the removal of the sprays I am happy to report :) So be aware of the possible impact of exposure to harmful chemicals, including pollutants, toxic additives, artificial colours and flavorings and fragrances.
Who knows just what percentage of getting well, is about removing toxins from our homes? I know that it was an important piece of the puzzle in my own case. Once the physical 'irritants' are gone, we feel stronger and more positive and upbeat.
We are seeing high levels of toxicity (and malnutrition) on live and dried blood tests, even in children, and large numbers of toxins are showing up in the cord blood of newborn babies - most of which are completely avoidable once we realize they are in products that we are buying in. I now know that the massage cream I used to use on pregnant women is a petrochemical product. But of course, when we know better, we do better. Choose ethical brands - companies that are doing the right thing and producing safe products. More of them will no doubt get on board and do this when they realize that's what we want to purchase!
Whatever your predicament, there is no magic bullet - but diet and lifestyle choices make a huge difference. There is no doubt that nutritional support along with avoidance of harmful chemicals, is always a valuable adjunct to other self help strategies. I have seen many astounding turnarounds in health and well being with this approach - often with unexpected transformation in self esteem and zest for life.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Do you realize that each day is a clean slate - an opportunity to start over?
There is no point beating yourself up about yesterday!
Today is the first day of the rest of your life . . .
Are you striving to be the best YOU that you can be?
Well here is where it starts - with you, your willingness to learn and grow, and to be fully present in this moment - the only moment that we have.
If we are not moving forward, then we are stagnating, so embrace your opportunities as they appear.
Say YES and then work out how :)
No one was ever fully prepared for anything momentous (didn't someone famous once say that?), so don't let your doubts or fears hold you back.
What do you really want from life?
You DO know the answers to this . . you may have forgotten but they reside in your soul.
The path you forged before you came here - for a lifetime of living, loving and learning.
Our thoughts can hold us back. They crowd our heads and overwhelm us.
So STOP, breathe and listen.
Connect to the wisdom of your heart, and FEEL your way forward.
And now I am reminded that any advice we give is always meant for ourselves as well.
Words that I may write or speak for others, I need to hear also.
So thank you for the opportunity to recall the need to lead by example, and stay true to myself.
- Carol Kretschmer
Saturday, 12 September 2015
Health and Happiness
What does health and happiness really mean? Well to me, positive health is not just the absence of disease . . it is an innate vitality, energy and zest for life. Did you know that our 'happy hormones' rely on a healthy gut? And so does a strong immune system . . .
Our human body wants to be WELL! It is always striving to return to it's natural state of good health, or homeostasis. But in today's world we place a lot of obstacles in the way - some we may be aware of, others not.
What if we were to remove those obstacles and trust in the amazing ability of the body to repair, restore and regenerate? Could it be as simple as this? Maybe! Why not?? We are prone to over complicate, after all.
Let's begin with chemicals. You are probably aware of the benefits of eating organic - like all foods used to be! Or removing processed foods from your plate, especially the ones with added 'numbers' - man-made chemicals that the human body cannot utilize. They are not 'food' and the body will cleverly recognize them as foreign and potentially harmful, and will use up a lot of energy and resources in trying to clear them from our system. If lots of chemicals are going in, then our poor body is always trying to detox (putting out fires as I tend to think of it), and is therefore much less able to accomplish it's 'healing' mission.
Of course, ingesting chemicals through foods is only part of the story! Are you aware that there are also thousands of chemicals we inhale through our lungs, or absorb through our skin? Many of them are in our environment - air, water, even clothing and home furnishings. But there are also a lot that we are bringing into the home ourselves and so are able to avoid once we are aware of this, and decide to make better choices.
We all regularly purchase cleaning and bathroom products, cosmetics and skin care for example, that may be making us sick (or hindering us from getting really well). Hundreds, even thousands of potentially harmful ingredients are commonly in these commercial products, and our bodies are working overtime to deal with them and keep us well (and often losing the battle). But we'll come back to that . . .
Let's think about Nutrition for a minute. There are a couple of crucial things I have learned about this:
1) That the nutrient value in even organic foods is often inadequate today. There are many factors including minerally depleted modern soils, and current day food practices, intensive farming and pesticide spraying, picking before ripe, prolonged storage etc - so we are really up against it.
2) Even with the best diet, we will only be able to absorb the nutrition if the gut (gastro-intestinal tract) is healthy and digestion is optimal. How many of us can say that our gut is always happy? No bloating, tummy pain or reflux??
This leads us to realize that we humans of today are facing far greater toxic load than even 50 years ago, and also much reduced nutrition. This is not a good recipe for health!
What can we do?? Well, we have to give the body what it needs to function well, so perhaps consider some nutritional support. This may not have been necessary 20-30 years ago, but now YES - especially things we can't make like minerals. With adequate minerals on board, the body is more able to break down toxins, and can also manufacture almost everything else we need (vitamins, hormones, enzymes etc)
Be discerning of course when searching for the best supplements and other products. Find an ethical company that is producing high quality, effective and planet friendly items. Do your own research and decide who you can trust (probably not the companies that spend the most on advertising!).
In recent years, I have been able to purchase online from a Clean Living company, filling our home with only safe, non toxic bathroom and personal care products, and highly effective nutritional supplements that have made a huge difference.
Consider the benefits of addressing these issues in your own life. The missing pieces of your own health puzzle may then be able to fall into place.
Our human body wants to be WELL! It is always striving to return to it's natural state of good health, or homeostasis. But in today's world we place a lot of obstacles in the way - some we may be aware of, others not.
What if we were to remove those obstacles and trust in the amazing ability of the body to repair, restore and regenerate? Could it be as simple as this? Maybe! Why not?? We are prone to over complicate, after all.
Let's begin with chemicals. You are probably aware of the benefits of eating organic - like all foods used to be! Or removing processed foods from your plate, especially the ones with added 'numbers' - man-made chemicals that the human body cannot utilize. They are not 'food' and the body will cleverly recognize them as foreign and potentially harmful, and will use up a lot of energy and resources in trying to clear them from our system. If lots of chemicals are going in, then our poor body is always trying to detox (putting out fires as I tend to think of it), and is therefore much less able to accomplish it's 'healing' mission.
Of course, ingesting chemicals through foods is only part of the story! Are you aware that there are also thousands of chemicals we inhale through our lungs, or absorb through our skin? Many of them are in our environment - air, water, even clothing and home furnishings. But there are also a lot that we are bringing into the home ourselves and so are able to avoid once we are aware of this, and decide to make better choices.
We all regularly purchase cleaning and bathroom products, cosmetics and skin care for example, that may be making us sick (or hindering us from getting really well). Hundreds, even thousands of potentially harmful ingredients are commonly in these commercial products, and our bodies are working overtime to deal with them and keep us well (and often losing the battle). But we'll come back to that . . .
Let's think about Nutrition for a minute. There are a couple of crucial things I have learned about this:
1) That the nutrient value in even organic foods is often inadequate today. There are many factors including minerally depleted modern soils, and current day food practices, intensive farming and pesticide spraying, picking before ripe, prolonged storage etc - so we are really up against it.
2) Even with the best diet, we will only be able to absorb the nutrition if the gut (gastro-intestinal tract) is healthy and digestion is optimal. How many of us can say that our gut is always happy? No bloating, tummy pain or reflux??
This leads us to realize that we humans of today are facing far greater toxic load than even 50 years ago, and also much reduced nutrition. This is not a good recipe for health!
What can we do?? Well, we have to give the body what it needs to function well, so perhaps consider some nutritional support. This may not have been necessary 20-30 years ago, but now YES - especially things we can't make like minerals. With adequate minerals on board, the body is more able to break down toxins, and can also manufacture almost everything else we need (vitamins, hormones, enzymes etc)
Be discerning of course when searching for the best supplements and other products. Find an ethical company that is producing high quality, effective and planet friendly items. Do your own research and decide who you can trust (probably not the companies that spend the most on advertising!).
In recent years, I have been able to purchase online from a Clean Living company, filling our home with only safe, non toxic bathroom and personal care products, and highly effective nutritional supplements that have made a huge difference.
Consider the benefits of addressing these issues in your own life. The missing pieces of your own health puzzle may then be able to fall into place.
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Your Moment of Truth
How do we know if we are living the life that we came here to experience? This is not something that you can answer with your brain. The mind will make up all sorts of stories, but it is definitely something that you do know in your heart.
The key is to quiet the mind for long enough to hear the truth of your soul, that ancient, infinite, consistent part of you, which has been your essence since the beginning. Some like to call it the Higher Self, and this term resonates with me. I believe it is the spiritual part of us that is never ending and wise beyond measure. the part of us that is always connected to Source and knows all the answers. The part we can trust, that will never let us down.
When making important decisions or life choices, how do we know what to do? There is a 'fork in the road' - which is the correct path for us? Should we toss a coin? What if we ask our Higher Self? What if the choice has already been made for us, and we just need to 'remember' or step into it. How do we know?
Trust your feelings as a barometer of truth, your trusty inner compass. Compare the choices in front of you but not with your mind. See yourself making the first choice. FEEL what it is like to be living that choice and note the emotion attached to it. Is is a positive or negative feeling? Then imagine yourself living the life of the other option, and FEEL how that sits with you, the emotion it evokes.
Both choices may feel 'good' but only one will feel 'right'. Don't second guess yourself. Nobody knows better than you. Trust your guidance.your instincts will never let you down.
Now of course 'knowing' is just the beginning. Even if you trust your feelings, nothing will change unless you take action. You must step into your Truth! It may feel like a leap of faith, but don't worry. No one ever feels prepared for momentous change. And know this - the bigger the need to pursue this path, and the greater your soul purpose is, the more your ego will try to talk you out of it! The ego does not like change, and doesn't even want you to succeed. It will throw up doubt and fear and judgment and a host of curly questions.
Try to recognize this chatter in your head for what it is. Allow it to pass by and don't buy into it. Keep sinking into your heart space. Be still and hear your wise old soul. It's message will be positive, clear and repetitive.
You will learn to love and trust your Higher self. You will find more strength and beauty there than you ever imagined. This is a journey of the inner world. A connection with yourself that you may have denied or perhaps even feared. But only love and truth exists there.
Communing with your higher wisdom always brings you into the present moment, the here and now of this very existence. And the present moment is the only place where we can experience love and healing. It is all we have and we must cherish it.
There is nothing to fear about learning to love and trust yourself more. In fact it may open up a whole new world for you. You may learn a lot about what 'makes you tick', find a new sense of purpose, or even accept yourself fully for the first time ever! It's a great feeling, as if all the pieces have fallen into place. A new sense of pride and belonging, that is very nurturing. Criticism and judgment fall away, and self belief flourishes. you are ready to do what you want, what you NEED in fact! You can let go of all the conditioning, and surpass the 'shoulds' and musts' you have accumulated along the way.
You know now that it is only right when it FEELS right. Intuition can be very powerful. We have all heard stories of it saving lives. So trust your instinct, your gut feeling. It can be accurate guidance about the path ahead. Tune in to it often and it will become even clearer. Your stress melts away as you connect with this 'knowing'. It brings you to a warm and fuzzy place where you feel strong, and you feel LOVED. The outside world stands still, just for a moment - this moment, your moment, the moment of Truth.
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Carol's top tips for Healthy Living
There are so many wise and beneficial choices we can make to improve our quality of life! So many tips I wish to share. It's difficult for me to choose, but here are my top 10 as they appear to me today. I hope they will help you . . .
You may be shallow breathing most of the time and not even know it.
Consider the benefits of drawing air deeply into your lungs . .
Each day, sit or stand comfortably and rest your hands between your ribs and your navel. Engage your diaphragm by breathing deeply . . feel your tummy rise under your hands as you inhale, and sink back in as you exhale. Breathe in for the count of 3 and out for the count of 6. Repeat 5 times in a row, and try this before each meal and before bed.
Not only will you increase your oxygen uptake and reduce secretions in the base of your lungs . . this creates stress relief and body awareness, making you more mindful and heart connected, getting out of the head and being more compassionate to self :)
How much is enough? My rule of thumb is 30mls per kg body weight each day . . this equates to a mug full of water (300mls) for each 10kg of your weight.
Try starting the day with a warm water and the juice of 1/2 a lemon. Drink water between meals . . drinking with meals is counter-productive as it dilutes the stomach acid that is required to adequately digest food.
Water helps flush toxins through the body, has zero calories, and acts as an appetite suppressant - if you feel like snacking, drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes - sometimes that's what the body was craving.
So don't just drink water when you are thirsty, it deserves your regular attention. Make your body happy . . Cheers
Put on your comfy shoes and get moving! A 30 minute brisk walk is best and yes 10,000 steps per day is ideal, but any movement you can do is helpful. Some of those winter aches and pains may be due to inactivity . . our joints are lubricated by fluid but need motion to facilitate this.
The Lymph system is like our sewerage system, and unlike the blood, it doesn't have it's own pump, so when we are idle toxins are stagnant . . cold hands and feet are often a sign of acid waste stored in the extremities. Walking helps move them out of the body
Make walking a regular habit. Start with 10 minutes around the block if that's all you can manage. Add more incidental walking into your day as well . . walk to post that letter or purchase the newspaper. Park further from the shops or the school.
Do this regularly and watch your life change. Have you had your walk today?
Carol's Healthy Choices tip #4: EAT REAL FOOD
All too often today, we are eating for all the wrong reasons - taste, convenience, cost, comfort. Modern food is high in sugar, salt and fat and very addictive, and there is no denying a strong link to the epidemic of chronic diseases we now face. We are over fed and under nourished!
Nutrition is the bedrock of health, so eat cleanly. Choose whole foods that have been nourished by the sun and untouched by man. Eat like a hunter/gatherer: Meat, fish, chicken, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, with a variety of color on your plate, and especially lots of leafy greens.
Educate yourself about healthy fats, and minimize your consumption of sugar and refined starch. Avoiding 'white' foods is also a good rule of thumb.
Labels are confusing but look at the ingredient list, and be more aware of what you consume. Move away from processed foods and don't believe marketing or advertising which has a hidden agenda. Limit your intake of additives, preservatives, flavoring etc and trust Mother Nature, not what comes out of a laboratory.
Eat well and your body will reward you - with more energy, vitality and mental clarity.
Meditation is not about 'blanking off' but allowing ourselves to just BE . . as we are calm and objective, insights may come. You can have a special place which is your sacred space, or just close your eyes and explore your inner world. You may like to light candles or play soothing music, but even the shortest retreat from the busy-ness of your day with a few deep breaths and a smile, is very beneficial.
Most people are aware of choices we have with food now, to steer away from commercially made and advertised convenience foods that are highly processed and full of nasty additives in order prolong shelf life and keep profits high. But have you thought about your home care and personal care products?
Of course, thoughts and emotions can be toxic too . . so stay positive, and I will make STRESS another topic for another day.
Be aware that stress is not so much about what is going on in your world, but rather how you respond to it. If you’re feeling stressed on an every day basis, you could find that it is having an impact on your body too.
I'm sure you know best what works for you, but here are some ideas to choose from:
Stillness - find a few moments here and there to just 'be'.
Deep breathing - focus on the movement of the chest.
Relaxation - notice any tension in different muscle groups and release.
Gardening - connects us with nature and is very grounding.
Exercise - walking, cycling, swimming, what ever suits you.
Community - connect regularly with like-hearted people.
Have you heard of Leaky Gut Syndrome? This funny term is the common name for a very common problem, increased intestinal permeability, which is now known to underpin many modern day health issues like allergies, eczema, asthma and autoimmune disorders.
There are so many wise and beneficial choices we can make to improve our quality of life! So many tips I wish to share. It's difficult for me to choose, but here are my top 10 as they appear to me today. I hope they will help you . . .
Carol's Healthy Choices tip #1:
You may be shallow breathing most of the time and not even know it.
Consider the benefits of drawing air deeply into your lungs . .
Each day, sit or stand comfortably and rest your hands between your ribs and your navel. Engage your diaphragm by breathing deeply . . feel your tummy rise under your hands as you inhale, and sink back in as you exhale. Breathe in for the count of 3 and out for the count of 6. Repeat 5 times in a row, and try this before each meal and before bed.
Not only will you increase your oxygen uptake and reduce secretions in the base of your lungs . . this creates stress relief and body awareness, making you more mindful and heart connected, getting out of the head and being more compassionate to self :)
Carol's Healthy Choices tip #2: DRINK
benefits are numerous. Many people who feel unwell are chronically
dehydrated, which majorly impacts health. All body systems function
better with adequate water intake - you will notice improvement in
skin, digestion, energy levels etc.
How much is enough? My rule of thumb is 30mls per kg body weight each day . . this equates to a mug full of water (300mls) for each 10kg of your weight.
Try starting the day with a warm water and the juice of 1/2 a lemon. Drink water between meals . . drinking with meals is counter-productive as it dilutes the stomach acid that is required to adequately digest food.
Water helps flush toxins through the body, has zero calories, and acts as an appetite suppressant - if you feel like snacking, drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes - sometimes that's what the body was craving.
Drink clean water - what does this
mean? Consider the age of your water pipes and the impurities like
heavy metals that may be in the water supply. Read up on various
filters and what they remove. Decide whether you want fluoride in
your water or not (not for me!) Spring water may be the best choice,
in terms of purity and helpful mineral content.
So don't just drink water when you are thirsty, it deserves your regular attention. Make your body happy . . Cheers
Carol's Healthy Choices tip #3: WALK
Put on your comfy shoes and get moving! A 30 minute brisk walk is best and yes 10,000 steps per day is ideal, but any movement you can do is helpful. Some of those winter aches and pains may be due to inactivity . . our joints are lubricated by fluid but need motion to facilitate this.
The Lymph system is like our sewerage system, and unlike the blood, it doesn't have it's own pump, so when we are idle toxins are stagnant . . cold hands and feet are often a sign of acid waste stored in the extremities. Walking helps move them out of the body
In fact, walking has endless benefits.
It aids digestion, lifts the mood, strengthens the bones, and if
connecting to nature at the same time, warms the heart! It's
rhythmical nature can be quite meditative, quieting the mind to
relieve stress and allow insights to come in. Or you may like to walk
with a friend or in a group.
Make walking a regular habit. Start with 10 minutes around the block if that's all you can manage. Add more incidental walking into your day as well . . walk to post that letter or purchase the newspaper. Park further from the shops or the school.
Do this regularly and watch your life change. Have you had your walk today?
Carol's Healthy Choices tip #4: EAT REAL FOOD
All too often today, we are eating for all the wrong reasons - taste, convenience, cost, comfort. Modern food is high in sugar, salt and fat and very addictive, and there is no denying a strong link to the epidemic of chronic diseases we now face. We are over fed and under nourished!
Nutrition is the bedrock of health, so eat cleanly. Choose whole foods that have been nourished by the sun and untouched by man. Eat like a hunter/gatherer: Meat, fish, chicken, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, with a variety of color on your plate, and especially lots of leafy greens.
Educate yourself about healthy fats, and minimize your consumption of sugar and refined starch. Avoiding 'white' foods is also a good rule of thumb.
Labels are confusing but look at the ingredient list, and be more aware of what you consume. Move away from processed foods and don't believe marketing or advertising which has a hidden agenda. Limit your intake of additives, preservatives, flavoring etc and trust Mother Nature, not what comes out of a laboratory.
Don't buy it! If it's not in the
pantry you can't be tempted. Crowd out the bad stuff by eating lots
of tasty real food. Pack your fridge with fresh and colorful options.
You don't have to deprive yourself.
Eat well and your body will reward you - with more energy, vitality and mental clarity.
Carol's Healthy Choices tip #5: QUIET
Our thoughts can cause us a lot of stress . . they keep us in the past or the future. The mind can run away, one thought becomes another, and another! We go round in circles replaying stories, often based on old beliefs or patterns of behavior that no longer serve us. Mindfulness brings us to the present moment, living in and fully experiencing the now, which after all, is all we have. The present is the only place we can experience happiness and healing.
Our thoughts can cause us a lot of stress . . they keep us in the past or the future. The mind can run away, one thought becomes another, and another! We go round in circles replaying stories, often based on old beliefs or patterns of behavior that no longer serve us. Mindfulness brings us to the present moment, living in and fully experiencing the now, which after all, is all we have. The present is the only place we can experience happiness and healing.
We cannot stop the thoughts, we don't
need to . . but we can learn to step back and observe them, to get
out of the head and be more heart centered. When we connect our heart
with our mind, our thoughts become more positive and gratitude filled.
You may want see your thoughts as leaves on a stream floating by,
or maybe words on a conveyor belt. I like to visualize the mind (or
ego) sinking down into the heart to have a pow wow with the soul,
learning from the wisdom there and taking it back to the head, to
integrate head and heart. Often, fear and pain dissolve as love and
joy take their place, so it is not so much about what you gain but
what you lose!
Meditation is not about 'blanking off' but allowing ourselves to just BE . . as we are calm and objective, insights may come. You can have a special place which is your sacred space, or just close your eyes and explore your inner world. You may like to light candles or play soothing music, but even the shortest retreat from the busy-ness of your day with a few deep breaths and a smile, is very beneficial.
Carol's Healthy Choices tip #6: FORGIVE
I like to call this Radical Forgiveness! You see, if you are willing to forgive but still feel the need to condemn, then nothing will change! You are in a 'victim consciousness' when you maintain a belief that someone else has done something bad to you, and as a result they are responsible for the lack of peace and happiness in your life.
When we take responsibility for our choices ie how we respond to situations and events in our life, we can forgive without the need to blame . . then everything changes.
I like to call this Radical Forgiveness! You see, if you are willing to forgive but still feel the need to condemn, then nothing will change! You are in a 'victim consciousness' when you maintain a belief that someone else has done something bad to you, and as a result they are responsible for the lack of peace and happiness in your life.
When we take responsibility for our choices ie how we respond to situations and events in our life, we can forgive without the need to blame . . then everything changes.
Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. It does not condone what may have happened or mean you have to keep
company with the person/s involved. You simply choose to let go of
any toxic energy of anger and resentment you are holding in your
body, and unburdening will be of great benefit to your health and
Try it . . it feels a whole lot better :)
Try it . . it feels a whole lot better :)
Carol's Healthy Choices tip #7: REDUCE
What does DETOX mean to you? There are many toxic aspects to modern life and we can approach it from different angles. Today in our world we are exposed to thousands of man made chemicals that the body was not designed to deal with. We ingest, inhale and absorb them every day . . surely we have to learn to stop putting them into our bodies!!
What does DETOX mean to you? There are many toxic aspects to modern life and we can approach it from different angles. Today in our world we are exposed to thousands of man made chemicals that the body was not designed to deal with. We ingest, inhale and absorb them every day . . surely we have to learn to stop putting them into our bodies!!
Most people are aware of choices we have with food now, to steer away from commercially made and advertised convenience foods that are highly processed and full of nasty additives in order prolong shelf life and keep profits high. But have you thought about your home care and personal care products?
average woman is exposed to over 100 chemicals before she leaves home
in the morning . . but the good news is that most of the toxins we
are exposed to every day, are in our homes - brought in by us!! So
when you know this you have a choice. You can research and support
responsible companies - who are doing the right thing by you and the
planet - avoiding a barrage of harmful chemicals that are endocrine
disruptive (affect our hormones), carcinogenic (cancer causing) or
neuro-toxic (damage the brain and central nervous system). These
chemicals occur frequently in commercial washing powder, air
freshener, toothpaste, shampoo and body wash (even the ones we bath
our babies in!), moisturizers, skin care and cosmetics etc etc
When we are loading the body with these
foreign substances, we are asking it to continually 'put out fires'
instead of being able to repair and rejuvenate. We may or may
not get sick, but we certainly won't feel well, energetic and vital!
So learn how to create a healthy home and your body will breathe a
sigh of relief. Your blood will be cleaner, your lungs will be
clearer and your liver with thank you as it won't keep getting
clogged every day.
Of course, thoughts and emotions can be toxic too . . so stay positive, and I will make STRESS another topic for another day.
Carol's Healthy Choices tip #8: MANAGE
We all experience stress in different ways every day. A little bit can keep us motivated and on the ball, but in today's world we are often on overload which is exhausting! When cortisol levels are high, our general health is adversely affected.
We all experience stress in different ways every day. A little bit can keep us motivated and on the ball, but in today's world we are often on overload which is exhausting! When cortisol levels are high, our general health is adversely affected.
Be aware that stress is not so much about what is going on in your world, but rather how you respond to it. If you’re feeling stressed on an every day basis, you could find that it is having an impact on your body too.
I'm sure you know best what works for you, but here are some ideas to choose from:
Stillness - find a few moments here and there to just 'be'.
Deep breathing - focus on the movement of the chest.
Relaxation - notice any tension in different muscle groups and release.
Gardening - connects us with nature and is very grounding.
Exercise - walking, cycling, swimming, what ever suits you.
Community - connect regularly with like-hearted people.
Smile - even if you don't feel happy you can
trick your body into releasing endorphins.
Hugs - we all need these every day. Give and receive hugs freely.
Be Grateful - be thankful for what you have. Gratitude really raises our vibration.
Yoga - works on body, mind and spirit. Outdoors if possible.
Mindfulness - give your full attention to the here and now. Don't get ahead of yourself or dwell in the past.
Aromatherapy - pure essential oils have an immediate effect on the brain. They bypass the intellect and work on the subconscious.
Meditation - in any shape or form , alone or in a group, silent or guided. Huge health benefits.
Affirmations - positive messages you tell yourself until you believe them :)
Hugs - we all need these every day. Give and receive hugs freely.
Be Grateful - be thankful for what you have. Gratitude really raises our vibration.
Yoga - works on body, mind and spirit. Outdoors if possible.
Mindfulness - give your full attention to the here and now. Don't get ahead of yourself or dwell in the past.
Aromatherapy - pure essential oils have an immediate effect on the brain. They bypass the intellect and work on the subconscious.
Meditation - in any shape or form , alone or in a group, silent or guided. Huge health benefits.
Affirmations - positive messages you tell yourself until you believe them :)
Carol's Healthy Choices tip #9: HEAL YOUR GUT
Have you heard of Leaky Gut Syndrome? This funny term is the common name for a very common problem, increased intestinal permeability, which is now known to underpin many modern day health issues like allergies, eczema, asthma and autoimmune disorders.
There are thousands of research papers
on LGS, explaining how when the intestinal mucosa is damaged (eg by
repeated antibiotics) – undigested food particles and disease
causing micro-organisms etc can breach the gut lining and pass into
the bloodstream, triggering the white blood cells. (This is very
evident on live blood analysis! Speak to me if you would like to be
tested.) This situation results in intestinal inflammation and
nutritional malabsorption, many skin problems and eventually
auto-immune disease. Leaky Gut has also been found to contribute to
liver disease and depression.
Gut dysbiosis is an overgrowth of the
harmful bacteria, so we have to make sure that they are out numbered
by the beneficial ones! A prebiotic diet is important – whole foods
which encourage the proliferation of a host of healthy bacteria, and
intact gut lining. As gut integrity is also adversely affected by so
many things - unhealthy diet (abundance of processed foods),
excessive alcohol, environmental contaminants like heavy metals,
repeated use of inflammatory medications, and even prolonged stress -
quality probiotic supplements can also be of great benefit in
restoring balance. They certainly work for me :)
A healthy gut lining and abundance of
beneficial gut bacteria is crucial to boost the immune system and can
prevent a host of health concerns, improve blood sugar control, lower
LDL cholesterol and fight off infections.
Let your digestion guide you. Be aware
of your bowel habits and whether they are ideal. Do you suffer any
digestive upset - bloating, discomfort, reflux, constipation or
diarrhea? None of this is 'normal' and may be simply addressed by
diet and lifestyle choices, with massive ongoing benefits.
Carol's Healthy Choices tip #10: HONOUR
Your feelings are valid just because
they are yours! No need to apologize or explain, just be true to
yourself. Acknowledge that your emotions are a compass for your life,
inner guidance about how you are treating yourself. Be responsible.
Learn to manage your feelings and understand what you are doing to
cause them . . we can all do better when we follow our heart and are
less attached to our thoughts. If you are a sensitive individual, you
will feel deeply . . for yourself and others. Perhaps your feelings
are the universe speaking to you through your body and mind. Be
willing to tune into your feelings, let go of judgment and embrace
them with kindness.
All of our thoughts, perceptions,
memories and feelings influence every cell in our body, and
if ongoing can manifest in various health issues. Repressing our
emotions will prevent the stream of life from flowing in a productive
manner. Learn to recognize your emotions as an important inner
guidance system, letting you know if you are living in an environment
of biochemical health or distress.
Do you ever allow yourself to cry?
Tears can free us from pent up emotion and prepare our bodies for
fruitful new beginnings. Tears are not a sign of weakness . . when
honored they can even make us stronger and deepen our sense of self
worth. It has been said 'Without rain there is no life. Without tears
there can be no healing.' Healing does not take place until we
surrender to our feelings. So embrace your emotions and allow the
tears to flow as a healthy way to cleanse the soul of pain, grief,
fear and longing. This offers the chance to recharge our batteries
and restore a sense of balance in our lives.
Please pursue health and happiness as though your life depends on it . . . because it really does!!
- Carol Kretschmer
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
My Life with M.E.
On a sunny weekend in January 2003, my life suddenly changed for ever, when I contracted an illness called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis that seemed to have no end!
This was also a 'List of Current Symptoms' that I collated more than 5 years later, in June 2008:
- Constant unrelenting headache, pressure and throbbing. Varies only in intensity.
- Limited energy reserves, needing frequent rests, lying down or sitting.
- Post exertion fatigue, both mental and physical, therefore extremely limited activity level.
- Sleep - still require a lot, 10 hours+, and do not feel benefit on waking. Some nights very hard to get to sleep, or waking many times.
- Sore eyes, a feature from the beginning. Worse when more tired but persistent.
- Nausea - because of pain, or a Gastrointestinal symptom? Also irritable bowel habit.
- Aching in the back. Frequent 'tired soreness' - needing to sit or lie.
- General malaise - feel unwell all the time, like getting the 'flu.
- Sensitivity to light and noise, always.
- Impaired memory, especially short term. Difficulty concentrating and often with finding the right words, which feels slow.
- Recurrent sore throat, when at my worst.
- Intolerance of temperature changes, plus night sweats and occasional hot flushes.
- Palpitations and dizziness - more severe earlier on.
I have also recently found some personal notes that I made about how I was feeling -
I am going to share them with you here, but let me preface this with letting you know that there is a happy end to the story. Looking back, I could not see any way out of the long dark tunnel, but I did get there, and I am now delighted to be able to help others who are stuck like I was!
On May 20th 2008, this is what I wrote . . .
"I have had to abandon my career, but I will not give up on the JOY of life!
This condition can take away so much - independence, career, mobility, cognitive function etc
It's important to hang on to what we have - especially when it's a loving and supportive relationship.
It is such a burden living as the 'sick' family member. It makes me feel guilty and sad. I know it is difficult for others to understand how I can be so sick without showing any outward physical signs.
In public I wear my 'happy face'. No one else sees the real me, struggling with this demon that has invaded my body.
My quest for a cure has led me to too many tests and drugs and lifestyle changes and years of disappointments. I am starting to distrust the medical profession and at times feel quite hopeless. I have given up so much, and every minute of every day seems to revolve around my illness. I have forgotten what it was like to wake up and simply live my life.
My husband is the one person who truly knows how sick I have become. His encouragement, patience and support are a great blessing and keep me going forward. my friends don't understand my struggle, but I am just trying to survive.
This interminable pain in my head blocks my thinking and saps my energy. It is so intrusive in my daily life. I have to realise that there may never be a cure for this problem, and that it might never go away. It makes me feel very isolated, as if no one knows what I am going through. My career, my personal life and my financial life are all in tatters.
Much of my suffering stems not just from the symptoms of the illness, but from the continuous roller coaster of frustration, shame and havoc that it has created in so many areas.
Everything is now a challenge, from completing the most routine chore, to making plans with friends and keeping them! I am always in conflict about 'pushing through' or should I just 'give in'? My old self is gone and I have not quite figured out how to piece together a new one to replace it.
Headache pain, like all pain inhibits productivity. But unrelenting pain like this, felt in the brain - at the core of one's being, has the additional challenge of interfering with how you think.
I have no energy to deal with the unpredictable. The headache is all I can handle.
I worry that it is imprinted in my Central Nervous System, never to be erased.
On rare 'better' days, I naturally do more. worse pain and fatigue will follow the next day or even longer.
Sometimes when I find myself acting 'normally' and having a good time with friends, a cloud of dread will suddenly envelop me. There is a price for everything, how much will I pay for this?
With my illness, there is such a blocking of energy. There are many components. Besides the pain, there is always a sense of heaviness that I am pushing through - to think, and to exercise, to do anything.
Perhaps I need to turn to Buddhism, where pain and suffering are an accepted part of life, and strive for Inner Peace?"
Fortunately, things did start to turn around for me soon after this time. The right people started to come into my life and show me the way forward. I began to recognise what needed to change, and I took responsibility for myself.
Three years later, I attended a workshop. We meditated and then I wrote the following question and answer:
"How Did I Heal?
I started at a place that felt like rock bottom. I thought I was going to die, and that it would be a relief to die! This frightened me and gave me the impetus to go on, to not give up, to find the answers.
Conventional medicine was not the answer, the answer lay inside of ME.
I learned about the mind-body connection, how what I think determines what I feel. I learned to FORGIVE and what a great gift this is. I learned to get in touch with my higher self, and that when I am quiet in body and mind, I find clarity and peace. I learned that spirituality is the essence of life. I learned to be a warm hearted person, and I learned to keep learning.
I learned that everyone does the best they can with what they have at any given moment. I learned that I don't have to control, in fact it is best to surrender.
I learned that life is simple, only we complicate it.
I learned to be grateful for every moment, every experience.
I learned to be ME."
True Healing begins when we stop looking outside of ourselves. It is about letting go of the need for a cure and allowing the body to repair from the inside out. Hence the name of my practice 'Healing from Within'. Lots more on this in later blog posts . . .
This was also a 'List of Current Symptoms' that I collated more than 5 years later, in June 2008:
- Constant unrelenting headache, pressure and throbbing. Varies only in intensity.
- Limited energy reserves, needing frequent rests, lying down or sitting.
- Post exertion fatigue, both mental and physical, therefore extremely limited activity level.
- Sleep - still require a lot, 10 hours+, and do not feel benefit on waking. Some nights very hard to get to sleep, or waking many times.
- Sore eyes, a feature from the beginning. Worse when more tired but persistent.
- Nausea - because of pain, or a Gastrointestinal symptom? Also irritable bowel habit.
- Aching in the back. Frequent 'tired soreness' - needing to sit or lie.
- General malaise - feel unwell all the time, like getting the 'flu.
- Sensitivity to light and noise, always.
- Impaired memory, especially short term. Difficulty concentrating and often with finding the right words, which feels slow.
- Recurrent sore throat, when at my worst.
- Intolerance of temperature changes, plus night sweats and occasional hot flushes.
- Palpitations and dizziness - more severe earlier on.
I have also recently found some personal notes that I made about how I was feeling -
I am going to share them with you here, but let me preface this with letting you know that there is a happy end to the story. Looking back, I could not see any way out of the long dark tunnel, but I did get there, and I am now delighted to be able to help others who are stuck like I was!
On May 20th 2008, this is what I wrote . . .
"I have had to abandon my career, but I will not give up on the JOY of life!
This condition can take away so much - independence, career, mobility, cognitive function etc
It's important to hang on to what we have - especially when it's a loving and supportive relationship.
It is such a burden living as the 'sick' family member. It makes me feel guilty and sad. I know it is difficult for others to understand how I can be so sick without showing any outward physical signs.
In public I wear my 'happy face'. No one else sees the real me, struggling with this demon that has invaded my body.
My quest for a cure has led me to too many tests and drugs and lifestyle changes and years of disappointments. I am starting to distrust the medical profession and at times feel quite hopeless. I have given up so much, and every minute of every day seems to revolve around my illness. I have forgotten what it was like to wake up and simply live my life.
My husband is the one person who truly knows how sick I have become. His encouragement, patience and support are a great blessing and keep me going forward. my friends don't understand my struggle, but I am just trying to survive.
This interminable pain in my head blocks my thinking and saps my energy. It is so intrusive in my daily life. I have to realise that there may never be a cure for this problem, and that it might never go away. It makes me feel very isolated, as if no one knows what I am going through. My career, my personal life and my financial life are all in tatters.
Much of my suffering stems not just from the symptoms of the illness, but from the continuous roller coaster of frustration, shame and havoc that it has created in so many areas.
Everything is now a challenge, from completing the most routine chore, to making plans with friends and keeping them! I am always in conflict about 'pushing through' or should I just 'give in'? My old self is gone and I have not quite figured out how to piece together a new one to replace it.
Headache pain, like all pain inhibits productivity. But unrelenting pain like this, felt in the brain - at the core of one's being, has the additional challenge of interfering with how you think.
I have no energy to deal with the unpredictable. The headache is all I can handle.
I worry that it is imprinted in my Central Nervous System, never to be erased.
On rare 'better' days, I naturally do more. worse pain and fatigue will follow the next day or even longer.
Sometimes when I find myself acting 'normally' and having a good time with friends, a cloud of dread will suddenly envelop me. There is a price for everything, how much will I pay for this?
With my illness, there is such a blocking of energy. There are many components. Besides the pain, there is always a sense of heaviness that I am pushing through - to think, and to exercise, to do anything.
Perhaps I need to turn to Buddhism, where pain and suffering are an accepted part of life, and strive for Inner Peace?"
Fortunately, things did start to turn around for me soon after this time. The right people started to come into my life and show me the way forward. I began to recognise what needed to change, and I took responsibility for myself.
Three years later, I attended a workshop. We meditated and then I wrote the following question and answer:
"How Did I Heal?
I started at a place that felt like rock bottom. I thought I was going to die, and that it would be a relief to die! This frightened me and gave me the impetus to go on, to not give up, to find the answers.
Conventional medicine was not the answer, the answer lay inside of ME.
I learned about the mind-body connection, how what I think determines what I feel. I learned to FORGIVE and what a great gift this is. I learned to get in touch with my higher self, and that when I am quiet in body and mind, I find clarity and peace. I learned that spirituality is the essence of life. I learned to be a warm hearted person, and I learned to keep learning.
I learned that everyone does the best they can with what they have at any given moment. I learned that I don't have to control, in fact it is best to surrender.
I learned that life is simple, only we complicate it.
I learned to be grateful for every moment, every experience.
I learned to be ME."
True Healing begins when we stop looking outside of ourselves. It is about letting go of the need for a cure and allowing the body to repair from the inside out. Hence the name of my practice 'Healing from Within'. Lots more on this in later blog posts . . .
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
The Power of GRATITUDE
This is my very first blog post. I have to admit that I am a little unsure of myself in tackling this new project, but here I am, taking that first step in something that I have felt brewing for a while . . .
I am only nervous because it's a completely new process for me. I am not exactly tech savvy, but those around me who are more in the know, assure me that this is the way to go!
Funny, I have never considered myself much of a writer, but for some reason, this year I have been feeling a real push to share what I have learned, in a bigger way than just my facebook page.
So here goes . . .
The picture above is of my bowl of gratitude marbles. It reminds me every day of all the things I have to be thankful for. I see my cup overflowing and I count my blessings. The idea for my gratitude marbles came to me during a meditation several years ago when I was just embarking on my path of spiritual awakening. I couldn't wait to get home from the group and fill up a vessel with something abundant . . and then I found the marbles I had kept from when my children were small. This felt perfect, as they had already reminded me of how lucky I am to have a beautiful son and daughter. I set them up in a prominent spot where I could enjoy and be inspired by them.
Next day, I was walking on the beach as usual, collecting sea glass as I do, and there shining at me in the sand, was a gorgeous weathered glass marble!! I couldn't believe my eyes. I felt so happy and grateful, and knew it was a sign that I was on the right path. I took it home and added it to my bowl where it still lives with my other gratitude marbles. I collect glass of all colors, shapes and sizes on my beach, but I have never seen another sea glass marble. It looks like this . . .
A wonderful wise friend reminded me today of the value of being in a state of gratitude . . . For me, gratitude led me back to a place of inner peace, even though I was right in the midst of a debilitating chronic illness (I will share more about that next time).
The spiritual Law of Attraction dictates that if we want to change what or who we attract, the best way is to hold more loving and joyful thoughts.We can repel or magnify situations as we choose, so these days I try to remember to visualize and affirm only what I desire!
I'm sure you've heard the adage 'Energy flows where our attention goes'. In other words we get more of what we are thinking about. Hence, it is always a good time to elevate your thoughts to a more positive level.
A few years ago, I read an inspiring book called 365 Thank You Notes. It was about how a man changed his life with gratitude. He wrote a thank you note to someone every day for a year, and what he personally gained from it was amazing. I started to do the same. I wrote to some prominent people in my life - hand written notes on lovely stationery, with my heartfelt words of gratitude. I really enjoyed the experience, it made me feel happy. And then something amazing happened to me . . I was walking along the esplanade on a wintry day, to the post box to mail my first few notes, and there in the middle of the muddy path was my favorite hat!! Now why is that so incredible? Well my hat had been missing for more than a month. My daughter in law had bought it for me in Paris and I was very sad to think I may have lost it. I used to wear it to cover my ears on my morning beach walks, and it appeared that I must have dropped it one day, although it didn't turn up when I retraced my steps. Now, on this auspicious day nearly 5 weeks later, I nearly stepped on it!! It was clean and right side up despite the conditions, and I was delighted. A gift from the angels, who knows? But it really felt like a reward for the work I was doing. I couldn't stop smiling for days.
So my suggestion is to take every opportunity to say thank you. Invoking genuine gratitude (the kind you feel, not just say) creates a very high vibration in the heart, giving a sense of deep satisfaction. To live in a state of gratitude may just be the greatest gift you can receive. Of course, love and gratitude go hand in hand. The more grateful we are, the more love comes in . . and Love is the most powerful and positive force in the Universe.
Monday, 25 May 2015
Today's Guidance
The world can be a scary place if you let it
Full of uncertainty and fear
Take back your power, own your life
Choose to live your truth
Allow what is in your heart to guide you
One step at a time, one choice at a time
Feel your way forward with ease and grace
Trust in yourself and your own wisdom
Don't try to look too far ahead, or you will miss the
magic of NOW
Full of uncertainty and fear
Take back your power, own your life
Choose to live your truth
Allow what is in your heart to guide you
One step at a time, one choice at a time
Feel your way forward with ease and grace
Trust in yourself and your own wisdom
Don't try to look too far ahead, or you will miss the
magic of NOW
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