Sunday, 1 November 2015

HEAL YOUR GUT . . . and here's WHY!

In the 21st century, we are chronically sicker than ever before! Despite all of the education and research and modern treatment facilities . . .  we don't seem to be winning!!

Modern metabolic diseases are on the rise, and they all have common links to nutrition and lifestyle choices. What on earth are we doing to ourselves? Have you ever noticed that wild animals do not die from human diseases? . . but our domesticated animals do!!

MENTAL ILLNESS is also becoming epidemic. Are there really any scientific tests to diagnose this? Is 'chemical imbalance' in the brain really a myth? Perhaps pharmaceuticals are just covering up symptoms - and what about their side effects!

Let's get back to basics, and give the body what it needs to heal the underlying cause. Of all the body systems, DIGESTION seems have the biggest influence on Mental Health. In fact, the connection between the gut and mental health is astonishing. The body uses up nutrients at a greater rate when we are under emotional STRESS, so topping up with minerals etc and learning how to best manage our stress is very helpful. If you have never made a link between nutrition and mental health before, this could be a focus to consider. Happy hormones and mood regulators are made in the gut. If your gut is populated with the wrong bacteria, you won't be able to make the 'feel good' chemicals.

The GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION is now backed up by studies, but the best understanding is of course gained through your experience. It is now evident that the connection is a two way street ie they influence one another! The nerve cells in the gut communicate with the brain - when they sense that all is well, the brain is signaled that there is no need for concern. But if there is anything amiss - like infection, inflammation or altered microbial population (dysbiosis) - the nerves signal the brain that there is trouble! This can result in pain, stress and other chronic Gastrointestinal issues like Irritable Bowel Syndrome or gastric reflux.

There is an inner ecosystem in the gastro-intestinal tract, called the MICROBIOME. It consists of a complex web of bacteria, yeast, enzymes, neuro-chemicals, gut lining and cells belonging to the immune system. It is crucial to maintain health and balance here. The integrity of the gut is vital, in order to absorb and utilize necessary nutrients.

Even with a good diet, we can have malnutrition if the digestive health is poor. Many of us are overfed and under nourished!

LEAKY GUT - occurs when there is a damaged gut lining, creating increased permeability of the intestinal wall. This allows macro-molecules and foreign bodies through to the bloodstream causing oxidative stress and an autoimmune response that creates chronic inflammation throughout the body, often leading to joint pains, thyroid problems etc.
Leaky gut is often implicated in an array of autoimmune and mental health issues. It starts in the small intestine but affects the whole body.
How do you know if you have Leaky Gut? The first clue is - food intolerances. Another would be vitamin or mineral deficiencies - such as Magnesium, Iron or B12. These appear to be so common now! Later consequences can be Thyroid dysfunction, Rheumatoid Arthritis and other Autoimmune diseases like Fibromyalgia.

So what do we do? We need to eat REAL  FOOD, not the vast array of highly processed commercial materials in our supermarkets, that are actually fake food. Drink clean water, hydrating with at least 30mls/kg body weight per day. Ideally spring water, and certainly fluoride and chlorine free (as these can contribute to thyroid issues)

Use whole SALT - pink Himalayan rock salt is my favorite, delicious and nutritious.

Remove processed SUGAR (and flour) from your diet, as it creates an insulin roller coaster. Keep your blood sugars more stable with clean eating and whole foods (single ingredient), and you will also notice more emotional stability ie less pronounced mood swings. Sugar suppresses the immune system and it feeds yeast - and yeast overgrowth attacks the gut wall.

Modern WHEAT is very high in gluten, which is known to damage the integrity of the bowel. There is no nutrition in gluten and you may feel a great deal better without it. Bread today is very high in gluten which not only contributes to Leaky Gut but is known to destroy the myelin sheath (the protective coating on nerves). This showed up on my own MRI brain scan ie scarring in my brain! It's also interesting that when I stopped eating bread, my heart palpitations ceased. Gluten is also GMO and highly addictive and contributing to obesity. Why not research options within gluten free grains, and find some that you enjoy.

My advice is - EAT to keep the body alkaline, hormones balanced, and reduce systemic inflammation which underpins all chronic disease. Inflammatory foods to be aware of are - sugars, artificial sweeteners, cooking oils, trans fats, dairy products, pork and processed meats, alcohol, all wheat and gluten grains, and artificial food additives.

If you are consuming DAIRY products help your bones, consider that the UK, USA and Australia consume more dairy than anywhere else in the world, and yet these countries have the highest rates of Osteoporosis! Unfortunately dairy products of today are often highly processed and difficult to digest, and are likely to contain antibiotics which we know are damaging to the digestive tract. Many people are also lactose and cassein intolerant.

Food is information for the body, so treat it with respect. Choose organic where possible, as chemicals kill off beneficial microbes.

Some beneficial foods are - Bone Broth, a perfect food full of amino acids.
                                             Coconut Oil, Sauerkraut (sulphur rich) and other fermented foods and kefirs.
                                             Blueberries,green tea and other foods high in antioxidants.
                                             Brightly colored vegetables.

Other factors to consider are

 - SUPPLEMENTS: Probiotic - Bacterial dysbiosis is problematic and there is now overwhelming evidence that we need to promote the growth of helpful over harmful bugs. Choose a quality supplement of practitioner strength. This will offer protection for the gut lining, improve digestion, and boost the production of the B vitamins.
                                  Minerals - The human body cannot manufacture minerals, yet we need them in order the make the vitamins and enzymes we require. There are now insufficient minerals in even the freshest of foods, due to over farmed and depleted soils, and fruit and vegetables being harvested before ripening, or stored for long periods of time.
                                  Digestive Enzymes - may be a helpful supplement at certain times, like when a heavy meal has been consumed. One that you know is not ideal, like meat and starches together. They give your gut a rest by helping to break down the food, gluten and other compounds.
                                  Colostrum - when Leaky Gut exists, I have found that colostrum works synergistically with the probiotic, to effectively heal and seal the gut wall. This works toward a long term solution, not just reducing symptoms.

 - EXERCISE: move the body to release hormones and remove waste. The lymph system has no pump of it's own. Keep it simple and do what you enjoy, so that it's not a chore.

 - Chemical DETOX: it takes less than 30 seconds for chemicals to get into the bloodstream and have an adverse effect on the gut and other major organs. Be especially vigilant about toothpaste, mouthwash and shampoos etc that are absorbed near the brain. Insect repelant and fly sprays are likely to contain DEET which is a neurotoxin. I even know of one baby who developed seizures when her mum was using these products above the cot - she thought she was protecting her baby from mosquitoes, but the consequence was dire! Recovery was full on the removal of the sprays I am happy to report :) So be aware of the possible impact of exposure to harmful chemicals, including pollutants, toxic additives, artificial colours and flavorings and fragrances.

Who knows just what percentage of getting well, is about removing toxins from our homes? I know that it was an important piece of the puzzle in my own case. Once the physical 'irritants' are gone, we feel stronger and more positive and upbeat.

We are seeing high levels of toxicity (and malnutrition) on live and dried blood tests, even in children, and large numbers of toxins are showing up in the cord blood of newborn babies - most of which are completely avoidable once we realize they are in products that we are buying in. I  now know that the massage cream I used to use on pregnant women is a petrochemical product. But of course, when we know better, we do better. Choose ethical brands - companies that are doing the right thing and producing safe products. More of them will no doubt get on board and do this when they realize that's what we want to purchase!

Whatever your predicament, there is no magic bullet - but diet and lifestyle choices make a huge difference. There is no doubt that nutritional support along with avoidance of harmful chemicals, is always a valuable adjunct to other self help strategies. I have seen many astounding turnarounds in health and well being with this approach - often with unexpected transformation in self esteem and zest for life.

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